Monday, August 30, 2010

Hot new features for eDesign!

The Yearbook Wrangler and HJ Yearbooks are happy to announce the release of several new eDesign features!

Smart Template: Now users that drop a new template will be asked if they’d like Smart Template to automatically replace the content. More info in the eDesign Help section, for current HJ Yearbook clients.

Custom Endsheets: Schools that have requested custom endsheets from their plant will have access to an additional spread at the beginning and end of the ladder for online endsheet creation.

Facebook Sneak Peek: We received great feedback during the initial trials for Sneak Peek, and have incorporated it into the final version. Sneak Peek is available for customer books! Yay!

Pop-in Fun Shapes: We are testing a cool new concept in 2011 books with new Fun Shapes. These can be found under Pop-ins > Fun Shapes. Try them out, and check the eDesign Help for a Cool Tips topic with ideas on how these can be used in your layouts.

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